This is a continuation from our previous blog post, The Marriage of Financial and Organizational Excellence. Read the introduction, here. Below is one of the three most impactful ways this union will move your agency forward. How an agency approaches strategic plan sessions dictates how likely it is to achieve their goals. Typically, an agency… Continue Reading
Tag: Leadership
The Marriage of Financial and Organizational Excellence
Often, our clients and prospects share a laugh when we note that Don is the “numbers” and I (Roe) am the “human.” Don has an intuitive sense when the figures don’t look right just as it’s common for me to spot an employee who doesn’t seem right. While it is easy for each of us… Continue Reading
Put the Success Back into Succession!
Succession Plans are typically for a change in business ownership. As well as they should be – you want the business to continue on its path of success as you plan for succession. (Ah, see what I did there? Stay with me, there’s more). All too often we’re seeing the transfer of a business –… Continue Reading
Producer Management – Where most Agencies Fail
Let me not keep you waiting for the punch line: “Manage Processes, LEAD People”. Do you know any producers who actually want to be managed? Most of the producers I know, especially the Rain Makers, don’t like being managed, in fact, they hate it. Now don’t get the wrong idea, I’m surely not advocating to… Continue Reading