Re-Humanizing the Strategic Plan Process

Rehumanizing the Strategic Plan Process It’s that time of year.  Holiday decorations are going up and presents are being purchased.  Business budgets and plans are being made for the new year.  2020!  Let’s look at it as if were 20/20 – as in perfect vision.  What does the future hold for your agency? Many of… Continue Reading

Put the Success Back into Succession!

Succession Plans are typically for a change in business ownership.  As well as they should be – you want the business to continue on its path of success as you plan for succession.  (Ah, see what I did there? Stay with me, there’s more). All too often we’re seeing the transfer of a business –… Continue Reading

Pipeline Management – It’s more than a pipe dream!

Improving your pipeline management is the answer to having a sales year of your dreams! It is a great mystery why prospect pipeline management is such a neglected area when agency owners/executives are constantly dreaming of improved sales and clearer forecasting. Ask any agency owner/executive for their 2019 goals and chances are “increased sales” is… Continue Reading