Your customers are talking… but are you listening?
Surveys. Most executives want them. Most employees dread them. In the end, it is the customers who go unheard, or worse yet, misunderstood. If a survey is poorly executed or never acted on, the team wonders why they wasted their time and the customer is left wondering why no one cares.
The RD Advisory Group understands the importance of taking an unbiased approach to listening to what customers have to say. A poorly executed survey will cause more damage than no survey at all. Your concerns with data integrity, determining what questions should be asked and handling the outcomes become our solutions.
Our survey analysis packages are customized for your company, your customers and your needs. We are your partner – from start to finish. Together, we will build a survey that provides the answers you need to hear. Once we meet to determine the what, who and why behind the need for information, we’ll work with your team to execute the process and help you make sense of it all!
It’s time to hear what your customers have to say. When you need survey creation and analysis, we’re ready to assist you! To learn more about how we can help your business succeed, contact the RD Advisory Group at 315-368-8661, or email Roe Polczynski, president, RD Advisory Group at [email protected].